A Vagabond and A Wizard

When a wandering wizard, chanced upon the Random Paths of a vagabond, thoughts overlapped. For, the wizard could work upon the wheel of words and the vagabond spoke through potent images. Did life stand still when the two exchanged their first greetings? We don't think so, for both joined in a quest of wielding images and powerful thoughts. This blog is a portrait of such efforts...

Monday, April 5, 2010

She Walks in Beauty…

Yes she walks in beauty,
And the rays salute her grace,
The waves wipe of the sand
Below her feet
She walking with grace,
Closing an old book
Behind her
Opening a new chapter
Ahead of her
She walks in grace
By the blazing sun.

Words by : Wanderer
Picture by : Aritra


wanderer said...

Yes she walks in beauty,
and the rays salute her grace,
the waves wipe of the sand
below her feet
she walking with grace,
closing an old book
behind her
opening a new chapter
ahead of her
she walks in grace
by the blazing sun.

ARiTRA said...

Your words really elevated the beauty of the moment to a new level :)

Shri Ram Ayyangar said...

Wow,Too good a photograph wherein the sun, the child & shadow are in straight line!

Dr. Pratibha Singh said...

agree with sir.sun,child and shadow all in one line.perfect timing and more beauty added by your poetry.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shot.

Nethra said...

That's some beautifully woven words and the picture goes with the words appropriately. :)

wanderer said...

@ shri Ram---indeed sir, that was what made me keen enough to pen down my thoughts!

wanderer said...

@ Pratibha the talent

the poem is also but a belittled self of the powerful image that makes a evening sun child out of a earthly innocent being as seen in the image otherwise.

wanderer said...

@ rajesh---I totally agree with you my friend.

wanderer said...

@ nethra

thank you my friend for the support I guess for this very reason the wanderer and vagabond is working together-to weave words to the colossus images--awaiting to be captured!